with Chef Terrance Brennan
Chef Terrance, a Michelin, New York Times, Forbes recognized chef with over forty years of experience. Terrance has years of experience as a mentor and a teacher and is a recognized internationally as restaurateur and entrepreneur.
Join Terrance in his home kitchen to learn skills, tips and get new ideas on ways to enhance your culinary knowledge.
Demonstrations offered in 30-90 minute sessions.
Recipes provided in advance along with a full equipment list and time schedule for your experience. The ingredients can also be adapted to your dietary requirements.
Ready to book?
Classes can be purchased individually or in a subscription packet of four classes.
Classes start at $49 per session.
You can join individually or make it a family event.
It's Super Easy...
Register for a class, it's easy and affordable.
Get your recipe and equipment list and go shopping for the ingredients
The day before: we will send you your zoom log-in information.
Prep your kitchen and equipment before the class.
Get ready - half an hour before the class, get all your ingredients ready for your cooking experience.
Join Chef Terrance on line for a 1:30 minute to 2:00 hour informative and fun experience.
Learn to cook with Chef Terrance Brennan from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
Classes are fun, informal and easy to follow.
Learn about my 80-20 lifestyle and create recipes that are healthy and tasty.
Classes are easily adaptable to your dietary requirements.
Classes are easy to follow. When you sign up, you will receive a shopping and equipment list that will help you prepare for your class. You will also receive all the instructions and recommendations for following the class from the comfort of your home.